Augmented Reality Testing and Traceability
Ensuring Quality and Compliance in AR Waveguide Gratings
Augmented Reality Testing and Traceability
During this webinar, our expert, Roosa Mäkitalo will delve into the challenges faced by manufacturers when it comes to testing AR waveguide gratings and achieving traceable, accurate grating measurements.
She will discuss the importance of testing AR waveguides to ensure optimal performance, usability, and user experience. Furthermore, she will demonstrate how OptoFidelity’s new Littrow Diffractometer WG-GAT measures AR waveguide grating manufacturing quality and the cooperation with VTT MIKES, the National Metrology Institute of Finland.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain a competitive edge in the evolving world of augmented reality.
Webinar Content
- AR Waveguide Grating Testing
- Grating Testing Solutions
- WG-GAT Demo
- Guest: OptoFidelity Product Officer Juha Pietarinen
- Q&A
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