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Automating AR Waveguide Image Quality Measurement


Reduce R&D Cycles and Achieve Reliable Measurements

As AR technology starts to gain mainstream interest, it becomes imperative to implement robust testing methodologies while also maintaining traceability. Learn how to reduce R&D cycles and achieve reliable measurements with our measurement solutions.

In this webinar, our Product Manager, Roosa Mäkitalo will show how you can improve your AR waveguide image quality using OptoFidelity's WG-IQ testing system. She will discuss the crucial aspects that are important for AR waveguide image quality. Additionally, she will include a hands-on demonstration of the WG-IQ test system. Following the demonstration, there is a Questions and Answers session.


Webinar Content

  • AR waveguide image quality testing
  • OptoFidelity WG-IQ demo
  • Questions and answers

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